Solotober 2023

I did almost no solo gaming after the Deep Dive December challenge in 2022, so I made a last minute decision to participate when Solotober was coming up this year. I wasn't sure how I was going to handle the challenge going into it from a planning perspective. Last year I played 10 games 3 times each, which worked very well because the plays on the second and third days went much smoother once I was more familiar with the rules and strategies. However, I ended up doing something completely different this year and was able to follow the same format as my September Solo Gaming Challenge from 2022, where I played a different game each day. 

I've been sharing pictures of all of the games I've played on my social media profiles (like Twitter), but here are links to the BGG page for each:

October 1 - NMBR 9 

October 2 - Point City

October 3 - The Game

October 4 - Herbaceous 

October 5 - Friday 

October 6 - Verdant

October 7 - Crown of Emara

October 8 - Cascadia

October 9 - Welcome To...

October 10 - Maquis

October 11 - Orchard: A 9 card solitaire game

October 12 - Three Sisters 

October 13 - Carcassonne

October 14 - Yahtzee 

October 15 - Cartographers

October 16 - The Guild of Merchant Explorers 

October 17 - Regicide

October 18 - My First Castle Panic

October 19 - Dimension

October 20 - Forbidden Island

October 21 - Arboretum

October 22 - Balloon Pop!

October 23 - It's a Wonderful World

October 24 - Tiny Towns

October 25 - Bandido

October 26 - Tumble Town

October 27 - Pandemic: The Cure

October 28 - Nations: The Dice Game

October 29 - Forbidden Desert

October 30 - Blokus

October 31 - Solitaire

Looking back, playing a different game each day probably wasn't the best idea. I'm in a new position at work and run a local gaming group so my schedule was jam packed and I was already learning and playing a bunch of other games as well. That's not to say I didn't have fun because I REALLY did. It's still wild to me that I disliked solo gaming so much years ago and now I get quite a bit of pleasure from it. I still prefer in person gaming with others, but it definitely scratches the same itch for the most part. As long as the 1 Player Guild on BGG keeps running this, I think I'm going to keep participating. If you like solo gaming, or want to get into it, come join us next year.


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