Food52 Genius Recipe #2 Fried Eggs with Wine Vinegar

Knocking off some easier recipes from Food52 Genius Recipes seems like a good way to start this project and what's easier than fried eggs? I make fried eggs at least a couple times a month for breakfast and sometimes in other applications, like topping a rice bowl. Something I don't normally do is cook my eggs in a tablespoon of butter. Like most, I use a nonstick pan or stainless steal with a little cooking spray. The recipe gives you a lot of leeway with what to do with the butter. I figured if I'm going to use it, why not brown it for some extra flavor? The bottom of the whites soaked up all of that wonderful brown butter while the yolks steamed to just set. After sliding the eggs on to a warm plate, a couple of tablespoons of wine vinegar reduce in the remaining butter. Once reduced by half, you pour that mixture over the eggs.

What you get is a pop of acidity that's very welcomed in the morning. It didn't have the in your face punch I thought it would have, but it was a nice variation on standard fried eggs. Christine wasn't all that impressed and wouldn't request them that way again. If I were to make this recipe again I'd have to cook our eggs separately, something I also don't normally do. While I enjoyed the richness that the butter brought, I don't really need those calories either. I think cooking the eggs without the butter but adding something like hot sauce will give you a similar bite. Part of me wants to explore other sauces I can pair with eggs though, so I'm thankful they included this recipe in the book. 


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